Jan 10, 2009

Angel blood....

I was sitting in Haven, like a hundred times before, only this time perhaps I was looking with different eyes, scanning the room and the bar’s patrons. I don’t think I set out to take advantage of an innocent, but her light shone so bright, and it was so easy to do. She sat down at my table, as I was writing in my work journal, clearly uncomfortable among the noisy, slightly rowdy patrons. Her name was Karon, and she was an angel.
Karon Jinx: “Well I’m stranded here at present”
My eyes widen slightly, a small smile upon my lips "I am familiar with that feeling. Have you tried the shelter?"
Karon Jinx: “What is it you write about?” ... eyeing her journal “The shelter is not so clean”
"What anyone writes about I suppose. This and That. Thoughts and Reflections. Desires and Dreams. Spells and Shadows." my smile is just a touch cold now, I did not want to tell her what spells I was working on "But that's my own business" and I tucked the journal away in my bag. "The shelter has its merits and drawbacks I suppose, but at least it is a roof over your head in a city whose streets are not safe even in the day"
Karon Jinx: “The people at the church are always inviting”
"Ah the church. Where the righteous dwell ... and stagnate. .....where else have you been?"
Karon Jinx: “I have traveled the entire city but not go in any clan homes”
This makes me raise my brow "The church is a clan home... but yes I suppose it is open to all. Have you met very many residents of our fine city?"
Karon Jinx: “Very few I suffer from shy to strangers, this place, it is very different to my life before”
I nod, to show sympathy, understanding. Emotions that used to come so much more easily for me. Can she tell I feel little of this for her in reality? That I have already chosen her to serve my own purposes? "Well now that we have met, strangers we are nevermore. So progress has been made."
Karon Jinx: nods "Yes, that is true.”
"I also do not find the shelter to be inviting... but I am lucky I suppose, I reside on the cities outskirts, a small ship..."
Karon Jinx: nods "I fight monsters here not people”
I laugh and I am actually really amused "Most of the people here are monsters childe. How ever do you tell the difference?"
Karon Jinx: “Yes I had a look around but I find the church was always open”
"Only to some.... there are certain ones that are forbidden to enter, although they do not always listen."
Karon Jinx: “Oh I did not know they tell me I am welcome”
"I am sure you are... " my smile is more to reassure her then in pleasure, but my eyes reflect memories that are not so pleasant "I am sure you are. They only fear the dark"
Karon Jinx: “One is like me she earned her wings recently”
"Earned her wings? Are you an angel then little one?" I knew of course she was. All the signs were there; her aura screamed what and who she was.
Karon Jinx: nodding "Yes I am"
"I am surprised the Righteous did not snap you up then... they have a fondness for the innocent and the angelic"
Karon Jinx: “Is most often nobody there when I pray there”
"Do you seek to walk the path of the self Righteous? You could always seek out their leaders..."
Karon Jinx: “Not so innocent four times I have had to take life here, but to earn my wings I must help others and protect the weaker if I can”
"The city can be a great place to learn and grow, if you live. I myself have found it to be a very interesting life here"
Karon Jinx: “Yes it is interesting”
I finish my tea and set the cup back on the table with a small forlorn look at its empty center. "Sometimes it can be a hard life. Resources here are scarce. People don't like to share" It is time to sink the hook. Show my need, establish a bond of being alone and trying to survive in a city that preys on the weak…
Karon Jinx: smiles “I can refill your cup Devi I have powers”
I shake my head "No... it never tastes quite the same when it is magic'd up so to speak."
Karon Jinx: “Angels must eat also were not immortal”
My eyes widen in surprise, just how untried was this angel that she does not know her own strengths, and the advantages of her kind "You're not? Um but your an angel. Are they not by definition immortal? Unless of course your essence is eaten?"
Karon Jinx: “In human form not immortal but you are right”
"Although I have heard, that angel blood can be... most sustaining"
Karon Jinx: “It can save life but not good for vampires”
"Actually... I was working on a spell tonight... and that might be just what I need to help it work... would you perhaps be willing to give me a small sample?" I look at her thru my lashes, I only allow sincerity to shine thru, my mask firmly in place. I am so close to my desire, and she would give me what I needed.
Karon Jinx: “It would depend on what the spell will be used for”
"Well I am a healer, and alot of times I am called upon to use my powers...I try to be prepared. I am constantly honing my craft so to speak. Looking for new ways to improve my methods" I carefully word my reply to exclude any lies because I had heard angels can sense untruth, I did not want to take any chances.
Karon Jinx: “In that case I will be happy to help” and held out her arm toward me.
I blink at her and I am generally startled "I don't actually have what we need here.... I did not come to Haven planning on obtaining a blood sample.”
Karon Jinx: “I guess not, who would plan that?”
I pretended to consider the matter as if I had never thought about where to go when I had first noticed her "Lets see.... maybe the best place to get what we need would be the hospital?"
Karon Jinx: she nods “Yes I think so.”
We travel thru the streets towards the hospital. I can sense the predators lurking in the shadows, and I am wary as there are so many diseased rats in this city masquerading as its citizens. We enter the hospital and I swiftly guide her to the back examination room. I wash my hands and draw on a pair of gloves, seeking to use the common place routine of any medical examination to keep her soothed. She lies there on the table, a willing sacrifice. I am almost tempted to take more then I need. Almost tempted to just take it all. Almost. Instead I gather up a few needed instruments and walk camly over to the angel.
Karon Jinx: “Is this okay Devi?”
I nod and look down at her, asking her the ritual question. This is a key point. The added power is in the fact the blood is given up willingly. "So you will allow me to draw a few samples of your blood?" She hesitates for a moment. My ancestors whisper in my head to just take what I need, they argue that they had always used the blood of the screaming innocents to fuel their spells, that had been more then enough to serve them but I resist their insidious whispers. I had learned much from my studies of white magic, and desired that second layer of power.
Karon Jinx: “Well how much do you want?”
"Not much..” I sought to reassure her, keep her compliant “No more then you would allow if you had to have lab work done"
Karon Jinx: raises a brow and smiles at me.” But I don’t need lab work done...I tell you what draw 2 syringes, after all it is very powerful don’t forget. A little would be enough for most spells.”
I just nod and carefully prepare a small syringe. On its end I attach a strange looking vial made out of a cut hollowed colored stone. Quickly inserting the syringe into the angels flesh I draw her blood. Sealing the first one I repeat my actions then seal the second. I pretend to hesitate for a moment. "I don’t think I will have this chance again.... would you perhaps permit me a third?"
Karon Jinx: watches carefully but reluctantly nods her head “I suggest you not hesitate and take one last sample”
I pick up the last vial, letting it rest in my hand. I glance at its case and then back at the angel. I purposely smile as gently as I can manage as I quickly fill and then secure it in the brown leather case for the vials. It had been charmed with a preservation spell to keep the blood fresh. Closing it I whisper a small chant to seal it and slip it into my black bag. To complete the illusion of my old self I Lay my hand upon the spot where I had taken the angel’s blood and concentrated for a moment, sending a small spurt of healing energies to it, watching a corresponding wound begin to appear on my own flesh. I look down to see if the angel's arm was now healed.
Karon Jinx: “Thank you well I think you will have enough now…yes?”
“Thank you... this should be most interesting. Yes I do think I will be able to fulfill my desires for this... it should be most useful" again I manage my words with care.
Karon Jinx: “For healing yes?”
"That’s what I do...my chosen field of interest. I am most interested in working with bodies, to ascertain their limits and how they heal when broken" I ease away from her before she presses me closer. I did not need an angel calling attention to me at this point in my plans because she feels I have tricked her out of her blood. There was no need to point out my research might come to include the breaking of bodies and souls more then the healing of them. I would need the city to see my old mask for a while longer, until my plans fell into place.
Your will Dark Goddess,
My Desires.

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